LLC Geo-Coop

The company "Geo-Coop" is one of the leading distribution companies in Georgia, which was founded in 2009.

Our main goal is to supply the consumer network with products of the world's brands, to carry out qualified distribution, which ensures the delivery of the highest quality products on time, throughout Georgia and to everyone.

Ecological energy use

Branches Georgia

2 branches throughout Georgia,In Tbilisi and Samtredia.Distribution throughout the country


A large fleet of more than 60 vehicles and equipment that serve every day.


More than 130 highly qualified employees in Georgia work for you every day.


World famous over 30 high quality brands from all over the world.

Clients Love

Feedback from our customers!

Contact Us
Tako Epremidze

it's good 👍 love this product and i trust them 👍👍

Maka Lebanidze

I recommend 100%. A very useful product really❤️

Veronika Moisieva

Thanks #Coopolivaaa 🎁🎁🎁